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Support for your Dyson Corrale™ hair straightener

This is the support page for stylists. Here you can find helpful tips, videos, maintenance advice, your user guide and more.

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Vaše žehlička na vlasy Dyson Corrale™ je vyrobena ke snadnému užívání. Před prvním použitím si pusťte našeho videoprůvodce nebo postupujte podle pokynů níže.

Žehlička na vlasy Dyson Corrale™ – videonávod
  • Odemykání žehličky

    1. Odemkněte žehličku

    Jednoduše vysuňte tlačítko zámku na přední straně žehličky nahoru a žehličku otevřete.

  • Zasunování cestovní pojistky

    2. Zasuňte cestovní pojistku

    To vám umožní ovládat tlačítka žehličky. Pojistka je připojena k žehličce.

  • Umisťování žehličky do nabíjecí stanice

    3. Plně nabijte žehličku

    Chcete-li maximalizovat čas fungování bez kabelu, vždy svou žehličku před použitím plně nabijte. Další tipy, jak maximalizovat dobu fungování, naleznete v další části níže.

  • Žena žehlící si vlasy

    4. Připravte vaše vlasy pro styling

    Před tím, než je budete upravovat, by vaše vlasy měly být suché. Chcete-li dosáhnout nejlepších výsledků, ujistěte se, že vaše vlasy nejsou zacuchané.

  • Ikona baterie na displeji

    5. Zapněte žehličku

    Stiskněte a podržte tlačítko zapnutí, než se na displeji objeví ikonka baterie.

  • Nastavení teploty na displeji

    6. Zvolte teplotu

    Žehlička má pružné destičky, které umožňují vylepšený styling s menším množstvím tepla,1 což snižuje poškození vlasů na polovinu. I proto doporučujeme nejprve vyzkoušet nejnižší nastavení na 165 °C. Pokud máte pocit, že pro váš typ vlasů, délku vlasů nebo požadovaný styl potřebujete víc tepla, můžete teplotu zvýšit na 185 °C nebo 210 °C.

¹Thermal hair damage has been tested by looking at the strength of the hair while creating the same hairstyle. Tested on flexible plates and fixed plates.

6 steps to extend usage time

1. Begin styling your hair with a full charge for a long usage time.
3. Make slow and even transitions to sculpt the charge effectively.
4. If your machine is running out of battery, you can continue styling in Hybrid charging mode by plugging in the cable.
5. Use Hybrid charge mode for long styling sessions. Start with a fully charged battery and continue using it with the cable plugged in.
6. Once the styling is done, plug it into the charging cable or place it in the charging cradle so you're ready for the next use.

Hybrid charging mode

When in hybrid charging mode, your device adapts to the power supply. It transmits power from the battery to the cable while it warms up and style your hair. Between styling passes, if the plates do not touch the hair, the cable recharges the battery for longer use. We recommend that you fully charge your device between uses to be ready for the next styling session.

Designed for balance in your hand

The first time you pick up your Dyson Corrale™ hair straightener, it may feel heavy. This is a 4-cell lithium-ion battery technology that gives you long-lasting styling and the heat performance of a corded hair straightener even when cordless. The position of the battery inside the device was designed by Dyson engineers to provide balance in the hand. This way you are in control while styling.

User guide for your Dyson Corrale™ hair straightener

Download your Dyson Corrale™ hair straightener user guide

User guide for your Dyson Corrale™ hair straightener

Using the hair straightener

  • Maximizing wireless uptime

    Your straightener should always be fully charged before you start styling. We recommend placing it in the charging station between styling and client appointments.

  • Hairstyling with the cable attached

    If you need to style your hair for a longer period of time, you can use the hair straightener in hybrid charging mode with the cord plugged in. The run time will be longer, but you will still need to fully charge the styler between uses as you will be using battery power while styling.

  • Three temperature options

    You can style the hair at 165°C, 185°C or 210°C according to your client's hair type, length and desired hairstyle. When your hair straightener is turned on, it adjusts to the temperature you last used.

  • Turns off automatically for your peace of mind

    If your straightener is left alone with the power on for more than 5 minutes, it will go into sleep mode and the flex plates will begin to cool. After another 5 minutes, the hair styler turns off completely.

  • Installing the charging station

    Push the two parts of the charger until they are fully seated. Next, plug the Magnetic 360° charging cable into the base.

  • Understanding sounds

    Your hair straightener makes various sounds to alert you or take action. You can find out more about sounds in our guide video.

  • Turn off system sounds

    You can turn off the prompt sounds by pressing and holding the Power and Temperature (–) buttons for 5 seconds. For your safety, you cannot turn off the sounds for sleep or alerts.

  • Changing temperature units

    You can see the temperature of your hair straightener in Celsius or Fahrenheit. Press and hold the Power and Temperature (+) buttons for 5 seconds to switch between the two temperature units.

"For more tips and hair science facts on using your hair straightener, visit our YouTube channel"

Visit our YouTube channel

"Join our global community of stylists by following @DysonHair on Instagram"

Follow our @DysonHair Instagram account

Jak s žehličkou do letadla

Pokud cestujete s výrobkem, který vydává teplo a je napájen bateriemi, bude vyžadován souhlas letecké společnosti. Bezkabelové žehličky na vlasy patří do této kategorie, proto doporučujeme před vaší cestou kontaktovat leteckou společnost. Vysvětlete, že vaše žehlička má pro cestování letadlem cestovní pojistku, která ji izoluje od baterie, aby splňovala předpisy ICAO. Pokud ztratíte vaši cestovní pojistku, prosím klikněte sem. Chcete-li ji použít, postupujte podle těchto šesti jednoduchých kroků:

  • Ikona letadla na displeji

    2. Zapněte žehličku a na displeji se objeví ikonka letadla.

  • Pojistka vysunutá ze žehličky na vlasy

    1. Před zabalením žehličku odemkněte a vysuňte cestovní pojistku.

  • Žehlička na vlasy a cestovní pouzdro odolné vůči vysokým teplotám

    3. Zavřete a zamkněte žehličku a pak ji vložte do cestovního pouzdra odolného vůči vysokým teplotám.

  • Kryt cestovní pojistky

    4. Zasuňte cestovní pojistku do jejího krytu, abyste ji udrželi v bezpečí.

  • Žehlička na vlasy v příručním zavazadle

    5. Uložte žehličku do svého příručního zavazadla, ne do zapsaného zavazadla.

  • Ikona letadla

    6. Nechte cestovní pojistku vysunutou po celou dobu letu.

Údržba žehličky na vlasy

Doporučujeme pravidelně čistit destičky žehličky, abyste odstranili zbytky přípravků na vlasy. Díky tomu budou destičky fungovat nejlépe. Nejprve vypněte žehličku a nechte destičky vychladnout. Potom je jemně otřete navlhčeným hadříkem, který nepouští vlákna.

Obrázek z videa o čištění destiček

Boarding a plane with your hair straightener

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) regulations state that only cordless hair straighteners can be carried on board, provided the heaters are disconnected from the battery. To comply with these regulations, your Dyson CorraleTM hair straightener is designed with a ready-to-fly that separates the battery. You must remove the label before airport security and not wear it during your flight.

Here's a step-by-step guide to getting on a plane with your hair straightener.

Uçuşa-hazır etiketinin düzleştiriciden çıkartılmış görseli

Vezměte prosím na vědomí, že přísnější předpisy v Japonsku znamenají, že s touto žehličkou na vlasy nebudete moci letět na nebo z japonských letišť.

Jak s žehličkou do letadla

Zhlédněte našeho průvodce

If the ready-to-fly label is lost or dislodged

The ready-to-fly label allows you to use your straightener while complying with airline regulations. If you have removed or lost the tag, you can get help by pressing here or calling us at 0850 532 1144.

Close-up image of flight-ready tag

Expert advice at Dyson Demo outlets

Our Dyson experts answer your questions and show you how to get the best performance with your Dyson Corrale™ straightener.

Inside the Dyson Demo Store

Frequently Asked Questions

You should always fully charge your hair straightener before using it. We recommend placing your straightener in the charging station between styling and client appointments.

If you haven't already, place the ready-to-fly sticker on your straightener. This activates the controls of your hair straightener. Also, you should fully charge your hair straightener before using it. If you are still having trouble operating the product, you can watch the video at the top of this page, contact a Dyson expert using live chat, or call 0850 532 1144

Yes. When your hair straightener is left alone for more than 5 minutes, the heated flex plates automatically switch to cooling. A buzzer sounds every 10 seconds and the Power button flashes. When you press any button, your hair straightener will be active again. If left alone for another 5 minutes, your styler will turn off completely.

To ensure the best performance of your hair straightener, we recommend that you clean the flex plates regularly. First, turn off your straightener and wait for the plates to cool. Then, gently wipe the plates with a damp, lint-free cloth to remove any stubborn hair residue. Note that you should not use any chemicals or abrasive products to clean the plates.

Your hair straightener will make prompt sounds when it reaches the desired temperature and the battery power is low. You can turn off the prompt sounds after pressing and holding the Power and Temperature (-) buttons simultaneously for 5 seconds. For your safety, you cannot turn off the sounds for sleep or alerts. To turn system sounds back on, press and hold the buttons again.

Yes. You can see the temperature of your hair straightener in Celsius or Fahrenheit. Press and hold the Power and Temperature (+) buttons for 5 seconds to switch between the two temperature units. When your preferred unit appears on the screen, release the buttons.

The Dyson Corrale™ hair straightener has a ready-to-fly feature that disconnects the battery, designed to International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) regulations. If you are traveling with a battery-powered heat generator, prior approval from the airline is required. Therefore, we recommend that you contact the airline company before traveling. Next, you must remove the ready-to-fly label from your hair straightener before airport security and not wear it during your flight. Regulations in Japan mean that you cannot fly to/from any Japanese airport with your hair straightener.

Yes. Your hair straightener has international voltage; therefore, you can charge the product in countries with different electrical voltages than the one in the country of purchase. Check to see if you need a travel adapter though.

Your Dyson Corrale™ hair straightener is covered by our two-year warranty. In the unlikely event that any defect is found due to faulty materials or workmanship, we will replace or repair it free of charge.

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